Irrigation Information
Summerfield Subdivision is part of the Settler's Irrigation District, and is on the Leighton #13 lateral (Branch off the main canal).
Irrigation Schedule for 2024
Please change your irrigation timers to the following (based on the first two numbers on your house!
3-Hour Schedule | House Numbers (first two numbers)
6P - 9P...................| 18xx 34xx
9P - 12A................| 19xx 35xx
12A - 3A................| 33xx
3A - 6A..................| 16xx 20xx 32xx
6A - 9A..................| 17xx 21xx
Emergency Shut-off Information
208.939.8489 | Northern Star M-F, 8:30a-5p
208.871.4343 | > 5P + Sat/Sun = TBA
Startup and Shutdown - Tips and Tricks!
Start up Your System - April
Open main valve, ensure filter connection is tight
Test for valve and/or line leaks
Line leak: close main valve, then effect repairs
Valve leak: call for emergency shut-off, then effect repairs
Set timer to the current annual schedule
Winterize Your System - October
Close main valve, ensure filter connection is tight
Use air compressor to blow out sprinkler lines
Turn off timer to ensure solenoids aren't being opened and closed during winter weather
Or, you can contact lawn care service to have your system blown out - make sure valve and filter connections are tightly closed